1956 - 1959

Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1956 Jan 24 W edge of Cavendish; ~10 min Variable point of light Houghton, Warner Strol. Astr. 1955
1956 Jan 27, 01h18m Aristarchus Violet glare whole length of E wall and around E wall bright spot; violet tint N and NE of crater Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Jan 28, 02h33m Aristarchus Pale violet radiance; E, NE rim Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Mar 14, 19h00m N/A Twilight at S cusp traced 400 mi. beyond cusp. No trace of twilight at N pole. 6 1/2 inch reflector used. Moon 2 1/2 days old Firsoff J.B.A.A. 1956
1956 Mar 18 N/A Anomalous dimming of Tau and 105 Tau before occultation Firsoff J.B.A.A. 1956
1956 Jun 20, 03h39m Aristarchus Blue glare, base inner W wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Jun 26, 07h42m Aristarchus Intense blue-violet glare; on E wall bright spot. Dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Jun 28, 05h35m Aristarchus Intense blue-violet glare, E wall bright spot. Dark violet, nimbus. Pale violet N and NE of crater and on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Jun 29, 06h10m Aristarchus Faint, blue-violet tint; E wall bright spot Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Jun 30, 06h55m Aristarchus Vivid blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Jul 28, 05h40m Aristarchus Vivid blue-violet glare on central peak, band across E floor to E wall bright spot; on E wall bright spot and E, NE wall. Absent by 07h20m. Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Oct 16, 02h34m Aristarchus Blue glare, base inner W wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Oct 20, 00h45m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet glare on E wall bright spot, E, NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Oct 26 Alphonsus A suspected partial obscuration of the floor based on differences in detail in infrared and ultraviolet photographs Alter Alter 1956, 1959
1956 Nov 15, 01h17m Aristarchus Fain blue radiance, base inner W wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Nov 16, 03h33m Aristarchus Floor; bright bluish tint E of central peak; blue-gray W of central peak Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1956 Nov 17-18 Aristarchus, Tycho, Kepler, Proclus, Manilius, Byrgius Extraordinarily bright Argentiere, et al Azevado 1962
1956 Tycho N/A Dubois Azevado 1962
1956 Mare Humorum N/A Vigroux Azevado 1962
1957 Mar 17, 06h24m Aristarchus Strong violet glare; E wall bright spot and whole length of E wall. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Mar 18, 06h43m Aristarchus Strong violet glare; E wall bright spot, E wall. Very strong violet hue in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Jun 11, 04h48m Aristarchus Floor; uniform bluish radiance Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Jul 11, 05h40m Aristarchus Pale violet radiance in crater and on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Aug 18, 06h58m Aristarchus Pale blue tint on all walls; floor dazzling white Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Oct 11, 03h15m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Oct 12, 02h40m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE, N, NW walls. Dark violet nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Oct 12 Aristarchus; 1 hr Bright flash; then brownish eccentric patch Dachille and daughter Cameron 1965
1957 Oct 13, 04h00m Aristarchus Weak violet glare; whole length of E wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Oct 13 In or near Aristarchus Bright spot of light ("explosion") Haas Haas 1957
1957 Oct 15, 05h45m Aristarchus Strong blue-violet glare, whole length of E wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1957 Oct 16, 06h00m Aristarchus Faint blue-gray tint; N, NW, W floor and walls Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 May 1, 03h00m Aristarchus Entire sunlit area of floor, bluish Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 May 4, 06h28m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare S side of E wall bright spot; dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 May 31, 03h40m Aristarchus Pale blue-gray floor; violet band E base of central peak Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 Jun 29, 04h04m Aristarchus Floor; very pale bluish tint Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 Jul 2, 06h29m Aristarchus Strong violet glare whole length of E wall, involving E wall bright spot; dark violet, nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 Jul 3, 07h06m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet glare; E, NE rim. Dark violet, nimbus; pale violet, plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 Aug 2, 06h15m Aristarchus Strong violet glare; E wall bright spot, NE wall. Dark violet, nimbus. Strong violet, plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 Sep 1, 07h27m Aristarchus Whole crater filled with pale violet radiance, especially bright on walls. Pale violet N and NE of crater and on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1958 Sep 23 Piton Became enveloped in an obscuring cloud-like mist Moore Moore obs. book
1958 Oct 16 N of Mare Crisium Bright spot in dark area of moon Mayemson Mayemson 1965
1958 Nov 3, 03h00m Alphonsus Reddish glow, followed by effusion of gas Kozyrev Kozyrev 1959, 1963; Green 1965
1958 Nov 19, 04h00m - 04h30m Alphonsus; 30 min Diffuse cloud over central mountain Poppendiek, Bond Alter 1959; Poppendiek and Bond 1959
1958 Nov 19, 22h05m Alpetragius Portion of shadow in crater vanished Stein Stein 1959
1958 Nov 19 Alphonsus Reddish patch close to central peak Wilkins, Hole Wilkins 1959; Hole 1959; Moore 1965
1958 Nov 22 Alphonsus Gray spot Bartha Moore 1965
1958 Dec 19 Alphonsus Reddish patch close to central peak Wilkins, Hole Wilkins 1959; Hole 1959; Moore 1965
1959 Jan 22 Aristarchus Interior, light brilliant blue, later turning white Alter Alter NASA report
1959 Jan 23 Aristarchus Brilliant blue interior Alter Cameron 1965
1959 Feb 18 Alphonsus Red patch Hole Moore 1965
1959 Mar 24, 02h33m and 04h55m Aristarchus Strong blue and blue-violet glares; E wall, E wall bright spot, S wall bright spot; intermittent display. Observation at 04h55m of same phenomenon Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1959 Mar 25, 05h24m Aristarchus Intense blue-violet glare on whole length of E rim and on E wall bright spot; dark violet hue in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1959 Apr 19 W of Mare Humorum Bright point to W of mare McFarlane Strol. Astr. 1959
1959 Sep 5 Aristarchus Irregular, intermittent starlike point of light, 8th to 9th mag, appeared within bright area. No color seen Rule Rule 1959
1959 Sep 13 Littrow Obliterated by a hovering cloud (Feist disagrees with Bradford) Bradford Contrib. by Moore
1959 Oct 23 Alphonsus Red glow seen. Spectrum shoed unusual features Kozyrev Kozyrev 1962

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