Duration |
1956 Jan 24 | W edge of Cavendish; ~10 min | Variable point of light | Houghton, Warner | Strol. Astr. 1955 |
1956 Jan 27, 01h18m | Aristarchus | Violet glare whole length of E wall and around E wall bright spot; violet tint N and NE of crater | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1956 Jan 28, 02h33m | Aristarchus | Pale violet radiance; E, NE rim | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1956 Mar 14, 19h00m | N/A | Twilight at S cusp traced 400 mi. beyond cusp. No trace of twilight at N pole. 6 1/2 inch reflector used. Moon 2 1/2 days old | Firsoff | J.B.A.A. 1956 |
1956 Mar 18 | N/A | Anomalous dimming of Tau and 105 Tau before occultation | Firsoff | J.B.A.A. 1956 |
1956 Jun 20, 03h39m | Aristarchus | Blue glare, base inner W wall | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1956 Jun 26, 07h42m | Aristarchus | Intense blue-violet glare; on E wall bright spot. Dark violet in nimbus | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1956 Jun 28, 05h35m | Aristarchus | Intense blue-violet glare, E wall bright spot. Dark violet, nimbus. Pale violet N and NE of crater and on plateau | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1956 Jun 29, 06h10m | Aristarchus | Faint, blue-violet tint; E wall bright spot | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1956 Jun 30, 06h55m | Aristarchus | Vivid blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE wall | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1956 Jul 28, 05h40m | Aristarchus | Vivid blue-violet glare on central peak, band across E floor to E wall bright spot; on E wall bright spot and E, NE wall. Absent by 07h20m. | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1956 Oct 16, 02h34m | Aristarchus | Blue glare, base inner W wall | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1956 Oct 20, 00h45m | Aristarchus | Bright blue-violet glare on E wall bright spot, E, NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1956 Oct 26 | Alphonsus | A suspected partial obscuration of the floor based on differences in detail in infrared and ultraviolet photographs | Alter | Alter 1956, 1959 |
1956 Nov 15, 01h17m | Aristarchus | Fain blue radiance, base inner W wall | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1956 Nov 16, 03h33m | Aristarchus | Floor; bright bluish tint E of central peak; blue-gray W of central peak | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1956 Nov 17-18 | Aristarchus, Tycho, Kepler, Proclus, Manilius, Byrgius | Extraordinarily bright | Argentiere, et al | Azevado 1962 |
1956 | Tycho | N/A | Dubois | Azevado 1962 |
1956 | Mare Humorum | N/A | Vigroux | Azevado 1962 |
1957 Mar 17, 06h24m | Aristarchus | Strong violet glare; E wall bright spot and whole length of E wall. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1957 Mar 18, 06h43m | Aristarchus | Strong violet glare; E wall bright spot, E wall. Very strong violet hue in nimbus | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1957 Jun 11, 04h48m | Aristarchus | Floor; uniform bluish radiance | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1957 Jul 11, 05h40m | Aristarchus | Pale violet radiance in crater and on plateau | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1957 Aug 18, 06h58m | Aristarchus | Pale blue tint on all walls; floor dazzling white | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1957 Oct 11, 03h15m | Aristarchus | Bright blue-violet; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1957 Oct 12, 02h40m | Aristarchus | Bright blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE, N, NW walls. Dark violet nimbus | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1957 Oct 12 | Aristarchus; 1 hr | Bright flash; then brownish eccentric patch | Dachille and daughter | Cameron 1965 |
1957 Oct 13, 04h00m | Aristarchus | Weak violet glare; whole length of E wall | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1957 Oct 13 | In or near Aristarchus | Bright spot of light ("explosion") | Haas | Haas 1957 |
1957 Oct 15, 05h45m | Aristarchus | Strong blue-violet glare, whole length of E wall | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1957 Oct 16, 06h00m | Aristarchus | Faint blue-gray tint; N, NW, W floor and walls | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1958 May 1, 03h00m | Aristarchus | Entire sunlit area of floor, bluish | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1958 May 4, 06h28m | Aristarchus | Blue-violet glare S side of E wall bright spot; dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1958 May 31, 03h40m | Aristarchus | Pale blue-gray floor; violet band E base of central peak | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1958 Jun 29, 04h04m | Aristarchus | Floor; very pale bluish tint | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1958 Jul 2, 06h29m | Aristarchus | Strong violet glare whole length of E wall, involving E wall bright spot; dark violet, nimbus | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1958 Jul 3, 07h06m | Aristarchus | Bright blue-violet glare; E, NE rim. Dark violet, nimbus; pale violet, plateau | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1958 Aug 2, 06h15m | Aristarchus | Strong violet glare; E wall bright spot, NE wall. Dark violet, nimbus. Strong violet, plateau | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1958 Sep 1, 07h27m | Aristarchus | Whole crater filled with pale violet radiance, especially bright on walls. Pale violet N and NE of crater and on plateau | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1958 Sep 23 | Piton | Became enveloped in an obscuring cloud-like mist | Moore | Moore obs. book |
1958 Oct 16 | N of Mare Crisium | Bright spot in dark area of moon | Mayemson | Mayemson 1965 |
1958 Nov 3, 03h00m | Alphonsus | Reddish glow, followed by effusion of gas | Kozyrev | Kozyrev 1959, 1963; Green 1965 |
1958 Nov 19, 04h00m - 04h30m | Alphonsus; 30 min | Diffuse cloud over central mountain | Poppendiek, Bond | Alter 1959; Poppendiek and Bond 1959 |
1958 Nov 19, 22h05m | Alpetragius | Portion of shadow in crater vanished | Stein | Stein 1959 |
1958 Nov 19 | Alphonsus | Reddish patch close to central peak | Wilkins, Hole | Wilkins 1959; Hole 1959; Moore 1965 |
1958 Nov 22 | Alphonsus | Gray spot | Bartha | Moore 1965 |
1958 Dec 19 | Alphonsus | Reddish patch close to central peak | Wilkins, Hole | Wilkins 1959; Hole 1959; Moore 1965 |
1959 Jan 22 | Aristarchus | Interior, light brilliant blue, later turning white | Alter | Alter NASA report |
1959 Jan 23 | Aristarchus | Brilliant blue interior | Alter | Cameron 1965 |
1959 Feb 18 | Alphonsus | Red patch | Hole | Moore 1965 |
1959 Mar 24, 02h33m and 04h55m | Aristarchus | Strong blue and blue-violet glares; E wall, E wall bright spot, S wall bright spot; intermittent display. Observation at 04h55m of same phenomenon | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1959 Mar 25, 05h24m | Aristarchus | Intense blue-violet glare on whole length of E rim and on E wall bright spot; dark violet hue in nimbus | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1959 Apr 19 | W of Mare Humorum | Bright point to W of mare | McFarlane | Strol. Astr. 1959 |
1959 Sep 5 | Aristarchus | Irregular, intermittent starlike point of light, 8th to 9th mag, appeared within bright area. No color seen | Rule | Rule 1959 |
1959 Sep 13 | Littrow | Obliterated by a hovering cloud (Feist disagrees with Bradford) | Bradford | Contrib. by Moore |
1959 Oct 23 | Alphonsus | Red glow seen. Spectrum shoed unusual features | Kozyrev | Kozyrev 1962 |
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